Wildwood Farm Sanctuary & Preserve is home to more than 100 farmed animals, many rescued from abuse and neglect. We'd like to introduce you to just a few of our beloved residents:

Moose was a veal calf, the sad and too-often overlooked by-product of the dairy industry. He came to us malnourished and sickly but today, he's an enormous and enormously happy fellow.

Libby is one of a few turkeys spared by a turkey grower in 2018. Instead of becoming one soon-to-be-forgotten meal, she's getting to live a full and happy life with her friends.

Dexter was found in a city park, lost and bleeding from head wounds. We don't know what his story was before, but we do know he'll live happily ever after. Dexter loves snuggles.

Pearl's mother, Stardust, was saved from one of the worst hoarding situations we've ever seen. Pearl was born at Wildwood and has only ever know love and safety.
From tragedy to love and safety.
On June 23, 2023, a semi truck carrying thousands of chickens overturned on I-5 in Oregon. Hundreds of chickens were killed and maimed (the truck driver was not hurt). A lucky few were thrown from the wreckage and survived. Lark was found the next day hiding in the weeds and bushes by the side of the freeway. After being treated by the Avian Medical Center and recuperating inside for a few days, she joined our cherished flock where she can live her life naturally and happily.

Lark being rescued the next day. Video credit: DXE
Charlotte, our miracle calf.

Against all odds, this beautiful girl survived the most horrifying beginning. Her mother was “just another cow” being slaughtered for meat. Right after the worker killed her, he noticed that she was pregnant and, in a moment of extraordinary compassion, he decided to try and save the little calf. He performed an emergency C-section right on the slaughterhouse floor. Then he went even further and brought her to us, where she was bottle-raised and is now a healthy, happy cow. From a place of fear and death to a life of love and kindness. We wish every farm animal could be as lucky as our sweet Charlotte.

She has a name, a personality and a right to a happy life.

Meet Darling, one of the many rescued chickens who call Wildwood home. She spent the first two years of life in what can only be called a living hell. Crammed into a filthy cage with other terrified hens, she was scheduled for "disposal" at two years old when her production slowed. Luckily, we were able to save her and give Darling first chance ever to walk on grass and feel the sun on her back. Today, she's a happy, curious, talkative hen who loves to take dust baths and gossip with the other girls.

Doodle, our resident comedian.
Also resident produce checker, hay inspector, volunteer boss and cuddle bug. Doodle was found wandering around a suburban neighborhood back in 2016. He was very frightened, not knowing where he was or why he'd been dumped. After arriving at Wildwood, he quickly became one of our favorite characters. In addition to a winning personality and the sweetest smile ever, Doodle also has many names: Doodle Bug, Doodlie-doo, Don't, Get Out Of There, Stop It Doodle and Doodle Ate It.